Show in Glen Echo, Maryland
"Past/Present," a reunion show at the Yellow Barn Gallery in Glen Echo, Maryland, opens November 28th and features the work of six longtime artist-friends. I remember painting along the Potomac River with Trevor Young and David Molesky when we were what, fifteen? It has been a lifetime of painting. I will show garden landscapes I painted in the lush Maryland summer, alongside experimental portraits that interweave abstract patterns and futuristic costume. Two different subjects that can share a wall because they converge in color, texture, and atmosphere. The show is up for one weekend only. Details:
Yellow Barn Gallery, Glen Echo, Maryland
7300 MacArthur Blvd, Glen Echo, MD
Parking in the big lot. Enter a few hundred yards north on MacArthur at Oxford Road.
Reception: Saturday, November 28, 6-9pm
Exhibit: November 28, 12 - 5pm with reception at 6, and November 29, 12 - 4pm